
Program Overview

In 2013, the Greenville County School District, Fine Arts Center, private donors, and Clemson University partnered to create the first of its kind high school architectural program. This program would allow and introduce students to the study of architecture and offer them the unique opportunity to achieve up to eight credit hours at Clemson University in the School of Architecture.

What is Architecture?

Certainly multiple thousands of books have been written on the subject of just what Architecture is, and it can never be answered simply or simply answered. It is a rather complex profession that encompasses intellectual, theoretical, scientific, mathematic, logical, analytical, mechanical and compassionate thought combined with a colossal dose of creative, artistic and aesthetic skill to ultimately design buildings or environments.

So what is the Architecture Program?

Through critical thinking and project based learning, we introduce architectural communication techniques, graphic design, sketching, both analog and digital modeling, history of architecture, and explore a variety of design fields that are connected to the built environment.

Students may enter at any grade level and study for 110 minutes daily in one of two studios. The class sizes are limited to a maximum of 12 students.